rosemary facilitates pROduction of Sparql quEries with MinimAl expeRience using Yasgui. It provides a series of faceted search style filters that allows users to incrementally build SPARQL queries for any public-facing SPARQL endpoint, without having to know SPARQL! Simply:


Enter the URL of the SPARQL endpoint you wish to query


Fill out and add as many search filters as you wish

Try it out in the browser Deploy locally

Take a look at this tutorial to learn how to use rosemary

rosemary and grlc go well together.

  • Create your SPARQL queries using rosemary

  • Publish them on Github using grlc publisher

  • Convert these queries into RESTful APIs using grlc

Adapted from cover template for Bootstrap, by @mdo.

Pan icons created by Chanut - Flaticon